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Director’s Desk

Prayag Clay Products Ltd.

Excellence is about stepping outside the comfort zone, training with a spirit of endeavor and accepting the inevitability of trials and tribulations. Progress is built, in effect, upon the foundations of necessary failure

Prayag Clay Products Ltd. started from very modest beginnings with a relatively small handmade bricks manufacturing unit in 1937. But PCPL’s growth has been sure and steady. With a strong focus on quality, we have built up a satisfied and loval customer base that is spread throughout India. Brick is a solid, permanent and low maintenance material that provides timeless beauty and appreciating value; brick offers true longevity. Bricks have been around for thousands of years and are amongst the few truly tried and tested building materials known to man.

PCPL’s clay bricks have become the most important piece of urban infrastructure in India. The world-class quality of our products, along with our superior manufacturing practices, make our bricks and tiles “the best available globally”, our devoted customers will tell you.

Prayag Clay Products | Dishant Badlani


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